What does Philadelphia mean?

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William Penn planned the layout of the city himself. It was based on a logical grid pattern and based around four town squares and would lie between the Delaware and Schulykill (pr. skoo kill) rivers . While a grid pattern sounds like no big deal today, it was a departure in the 17th century when cities grew up around crossroads and cow paths. It's name, Philadelphia, is Greek and means City of Brotherly Love.


Ithink that Philadelphia means "The City of Brotherly love.Is it right?

Check this site.


Thank you.

To find the meaning of the word "Philadelphia," we can break it down into its etymology. "Philadelphia" is derived from the Greek words "phílos" meaning "love" and "adelphós" meaning "brother." When combined, "Philadelphia" can be translated as "City of Brotherly Love."

If you're curious about the meaning or etymology of a word, you can follow these steps:

1. Determine the origin of the word: Find out which language the word originates from. For example, "Philadelphia" originates from Greek.

2. Break down the word: Separate the word into its smaller components or root words. In the case of "Philadelphia," it is composed of "phílos" and "adelphós."

3. Research the meaning: Look up the meaning of each component or root word. In this case, "phílos" means "love," and "adelphós" means "brother."

4. Combine the meanings: Combine the meanings of the individual words to get a general understanding of the overall meaning of the word. In the case of "Philadelphia," it means "City of Brotherly Love."

Remember, by following these steps, you can explore the meaning and origin of many words.