the volume of a box needs to be 500 cubic cm. if the bas has dim of 12.5 cm and 5 cm how high must the box be?

I got 8 cm. Is this right?
My work is 12.5/500=40
8 cm


8 * 12.5 * 5 = 500

Thank you. I just needed to show my work.

well you have it upside down

500/12.5 = 40
40/5 = 8

I would have said:
12.5 * 5 * x = 500
62.5 x = 500
x = 500/62.5
x = 8

Thank you for all your help

the width of a rectangle is 2cm.the perimeter of the recangle is 16cm. what is the length of the rectangle?


16 -4cm = 12/2 = 6 is the length

how do you compute 4cm = ___m

To find the height of the box, you need to divide the volume of the box by the product of the length and width.

First, multiply the length (12.5 cm) by the width (5 cm): 12.5 cm * 5 cm = 62.5 cubic cm.

Now, divide the volume of the box (500 cubic cm) by the product of length and width: 500 cubic cm / 62.5 cubic cm = 8 cm.

Your calculation is correct! The height of the box needs to be 8 cm for it to have a volume of 500 cubic cm.