When I am translating Latin sentances, where should I start. Should I identify what all the words mean or should I find the subject of the sentence or maybe the main verb.

I'd start by identifying as many words as possible. Then find the verb and the subject. Next, look up the meanings of unfamiliar words. Finally figure out the meaning of the sentence, using the words and their endings.

The main verb is at the end of nearly all Latin sentences. Start there. Make sure you determine its tense and whether it's singular or plural.

Then find the subject. It'll be in nominative case, and will be either singular or plural to match the ending on the verb.

Then you will be able to put the rest of the sentence together more easily, using Ms. Sue's suggestions above.

When translating Latin sentences, it is generally helpful to follow a systematic approach. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to start:

1. Identify the main verb: Look for the verb in the sentence that indicates the action or state being expressed. The main verb often provides clues about the overall meaning of the sentence. Start by locating the verb and understanding its tense, voice, and mood.

2. Find the subject: Once you have identified the main verb, determine the subject of the sentence. The subject is typically the noun or pronoun that performs the action of the verb or is being described by the verb. Understanding the subject helps you establish the grammatical structure and context of the sentence.

3. Analyze the sentence structure: Now that you know the main verb and subject, analyze the sentence in terms of its syntax and word order. Latin follows a flexible word order, so pay attention to the form of the words and their relationships to one another through declensions and conjugations.

4. Identify modifiers and phrases: Look for adjectives, adverbs, and other modifiers that provide additional information about the subject or the verb. Also, consider any prepositional phrases, indirect objects, or other grammatical constructs that may provide further context to the sentence.

5. Understand word meanings: Once you have grasped the basic structure and context of the sentence, start identifying the meanings of individual words. Consult a Latin dictionary or a reliable translation tool to determine the meanings of unfamiliar words. Remember that context is crucial when interpreting the meanings of words in Latin sentences.

6. Consider idiomatic expressions and figures of speech: Latin, like any language, includes idiomatic expressions and figures of speech. Be mindful of these nuances as they might affect the overall meaning of the sentence.

By following these steps and considering the purpose, context, and grammar of the sentence, you will be able to approach the translation process more effectively. Practice and familiarity with Latin vocabulary and grammar will enhance your proficiency over time.