I need help: consider that educational goals and standards reflect the goals and standards of the society in which schools exist. Then provide examples of the similiar as well as the differing roles that home,society, and school play in today's educational system.

determine how--as an educationsl professional-you or someone will enhance these relationships for the benefit of the students.

How about homework? The school assigns the homework. Parents may or may not oversee and encourage the child to do his homework carefully. Societal demands -- such as a community that denigrates schools or offers many other outside activities may affect the students' learning.

How would you deal with these situations?

School one I am not sure of the answer yet.

this i would say as far as parents (home)I would talk to the parents of the students and let them know how important it is for their child to do the homework that is ask of the students to do.

the last one with society I am not sure how to answer that?

Some schools offer after school activities -- homework help, athletics, and social activities -- to help students center their lives on school, rather than the streets. As a professional educator, you could encourage your school to do this and volunteer to help supervise.

To understand the roles of home, society, and school in today's educational system, we need to first acknowledge that educational goals and standards are a reflection of the broader societal goals and standards. Now, let's break down the roles and provide examples of how these entities contribute to the educational system:

1. Home:
The home environment greatly impacts a student's educational journey. Some examples of the role of home in education include:
- Providing a supportive and nurturing environment that encourages learning.
- Fostering a love for reading and learning at an early age.
- Assisting with homework and engaging in discussions about school experiences and challenges.

2. Society:
Society shapes education by setting expectations, values, and norms. Society's role in education includes:
- Deciding what subjects or skills are deemed important to be taught in schools.
- Influencing educational policies and curricula through government and community involvement.
- Providing resources and funding to schools for the betterment of education.

3. School:
Schools are the formal institutions responsible for delivering education. Some examples of the role of schools in education are:
- Providing a structured and safe learning environment.
- Offering a broad curriculum that addresses various subjects and skills.
- Hiring qualified teachers who guide and facilitate learning.

As an educational professional, you can enhance these relationships for the benefit of students in several ways:

1. Collaboration: Foster strong partnerships between schools, parents, and the community. Encourage open communication, regular parental involvement, and community engagement to create a supportive network for students.

2. Holistic approach: Recognize that education does not solely happen within school walls. Encourage teachers to consider students' backgrounds, cultures, and personal circumstances, providing a more comprehensive education experience.

3. Professional development: Continuously provide professional development opportunities for teachers to stay updated with changing educational practices. This will better equip them to address the needs of students in a rapidly evolving society.

4. Individualized support: Implement strategies that cater to the diverse learning needs of students. Offer additional academic support, counseling services, and extracurricular activities that foster holistic development.

By strengthening the relationships between home, society, and school, you can create a more conducive learning environment that supports student success and well-being.