Arrange the following elements in order of increasing atomic radii.

Sr, Rb, Sb, I, In

Your teacher wants you to examine trends on the periodic table...

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To arrange the elements in order of increasing atomic radii, we need to examine the periodic trends of atomic size and consider the positions of the elements in the periodic table.

1. Sr (Strontium): Strontium is in Group 2 on the periodic table, which means it is in the alkali earth metal group. As we move down a group, atomic radii tend to increase. Therefore, Sr will have the largest atomic radius among the given elements.

2. Rb (Rubidium): Rubidium is in Group 1, just below Sr. Similar to Sr, Rb will also have a relatively large atomic radius.

3. Sb (Antimony): Antimony is a metalloid located in Group 15. It has a smaller atomic radius compared to Sr and Rb because it is further to the right of the periodic table.

4. In (Indium): Indium is a metal located in Group 13. It has a smaller atomic radius compared to Sr, Rb, and Sb because it is located towards the right side of the periodic table.

5. I (Iodine): Iodine is a halogen located in Group 17. It has the smallest atomic radius among the given elements because halogens tend to have smaller atomic radii compared to other elements.

The order of increasing atomic radii is: I < In < Sb < Rb < Sr.

To arrange the elements in order of increasing atomic radii, we need to look at their positions in the periodic table. In general, atomic radius increases down a group and decreases across a period.

The given elements are:

Sr (strontium)
Rb (rubidium)
Sb (antimony)
I (iodine)
In (indium)

Arranging the elements in increasing atomic radii:

I (iodine) < In (indium) < Sb (antimony) < Rb (rubidium) < Sr (strontium)

So, the correct order is:

I < In < Sb < Rb < Sr