OK,the question is what three statements that define all living things in terms of a cell? crossword puzzle! Anna


Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. According to the cell theory: 1. all living things are composed of cells

2. cells are th basic unit of structure in all living things
3. all arise from pre-existing cells


To define all living things in terms of a cell, you can use the following three statements:

1. All living things are made up of cells: Cells are the basic building blocks of life. Every living organism, from the simplest single-celled organisms to complex multicellular organisms, is composed of one or more cells.

2. Cells are the smallest units of life: Cells are the smallest functional and structural units of living organisms. They are capable of carrying out all the necessary activities required for life, such as metabolism, growth, and reproduction.

3. Cells arise from pre-existing cells: This principle, known as cell theory, states that new cells are produced from pre-existing cells through cell division. All living things, at some point in their life cycle, go through the process of cell division to create new cells and maintain the continuity of life.

To find three statements that define all living things in terms of a cell, we need to understand the basic characteristics of a cell and how it relates to life. Here are the three statements:

1. All living things are made up of cells: This means that every living organism, from a single-celled bacterium to a complex multicellular organism like a human, is composed of one or more cells. Cells are the fundamental units of life.

2. Cells are the basic structural and functional units of life: Cells carry out all the necessary functions of life, such as processing nutrients, obtaining energy, reproducing, and maintaining homeostasis. They are responsible for the diverse activities and characteristics exhibited by living organisms.

3. Cells arise from pre-existing cells: This statement is known as the cell theory, which states that new cells are formed by the division of pre-existing cells. This process is called cell division, and it is a fundamental process for growth, development, and the repair of damaged tissues in living organisms.

When approaching a crossword puzzle, it is essential to understand the clues and the structure of the puzzle itself. Look for any hints or context that might suggest the theme or topic of the crossword. In this case, the theme seems to be related to cells and living things. Use your understanding of biology and specific keywords like "cells," "living things," or "organisms" to fill in the crossword puzzle. Remember to cross-reference with other answers to ensure consistency and accuracy.