I have the same question as Jake...

trees : leaves : states : ? The answer has 6 letters, the thirs letter being a "t". Does anyone know?

Leaves are parts of trees.

What are parts of states?

Hint: C __ T __ __ __

I think it is cities

Right! :-)

To find the answer to this analogy, let's analyze the relationship between each term.

In the given analogy, "trees" is related to "leaves" as "states" is related to the missing word.

When we think about the relationship between trees and leaves, we know that leaves are a part of a tree. Therefore, trees contain leaves.

Applying the same logic to the analogy, we need to find a word where states are a part of it. In this case, the word that fits the analogy is "matters." States are a part of matters, they are different aspects or components within different matters.

So, the answer to the analogy "trees : leaves : states : ?" is "matters".

Remember, to solve analogies it is important to recognize the relationship between the terms and find a word or phrase that fits that relationship.