what are two reasoms why the railroad workers went west?

Why do you think the railroad workers went west? What was happening with the railroads in this time period?

We'll be glad to comment on your answer.

they went west for job opportunities and for technological advances?

Job opportunities -- yes. I don't think the railroad workers went west for technological advances.

There are two main reasons why railroad workers went west:

1. Expansion of the railroad network: During the 19th century, the United States was experiencing rapid industrialization and westward expansion. Railroads played a crucial role in connecting these expanding regions, and there was a high demand for railroad workers to build new tracks, bridges, tunnels, and other infrastructure. Many workers saw the opportunity to find steady employment in the expanding railroad industry and went west to take part in this construction boom.

To validate this information, you can refer to historical sources such as books, articles, or online databases focused on the industrialization and westward expansion of the United States during the 19th century. Additionally, you can search for primary sources like personal accounts or testimonies from railroad workers who experienced the westward expansion firsthand.

2. Economic opportunities: The west offered promising economic opportunities for railroad workers. As the railroads expanded, new towns and cities emerged along the rail lines, creating the need for various services and industries to support the growing population. Railroad workers sought employment not only in construction but also in maintenance, operation, and related industries such as mining, logging, and agriculture.

To confirm this reason, you can refer to historical documents such as census records, reports on economic growth and employment statistics, or even personal diaries and letters from railroad workers who wrote about their motivations for going west in search of economic opportunities.

Remember, it's always important to gather information from reliable and reputable sources to ensure the accuracy and credibility of your findings.