What's three condenning points that do not support him ?

Support whom?

The first to be discovered in the Americas.

The first WHAT or WHOM to be discovered in the Americas?

The first people to be discovered in the Americas were the Indians (Native Americans). They were discovered by Europeans -- first the Vikings and then other Europeans.

To find three condemning points that do not support an individual or their argument, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the individual or argument: Determine the person or the main point of view you want to evaluate. Let's assume we're discussing an individual named John and his viewpoint.

2. Understand opposing perspectives: Explore different perspectives and arguments on the topic. This will help you find points against John's argument that do not necessarily support other viewpoints either. For example, if John argues for increased government regulation, you can consider points against government regulation without necessarily endorsing an opposing viewpoint.

3. Evaluate the weaknesses: Based on your understanding of the opposing perspectives, identify the shortcomings or weaknesses in John's argument. Here are three examples of condemning points that do not necessarily support an opposing viewpoint:

- Lack of flexibility: John's argument may suffer from being inflexible or rigid. For instance, he may advocate for strict regulations without considering potential negative consequences, such as stifling innovation or burdening small businesses. This condemning point highlights the need for balanced approaches rather than supporting complete deregulation.

- Overreliance on assumptions: John may base his argument on assumptions or generalizations without providing solid evidence or empirical data. This can weaken his argument, as it lacks substantial support. Highlighting this weakness doesn't necessarily endorse opposing viewpoints but emphasizes the importance of well-founded arguments.

- Inconsistencies or contradictions: If John's argument has inconsistencies or contradictions within its core ideas, it can diminish the reliability and strength of his viewpoint. Point out these discrepancies to challenge the coherence of his argument. This step allows for critical analysis without explicitly supporting an opposing point of view.

By following these steps, you can find three condemning points that do not necessarily support John's argument but still challenge his viewpoint objectively. Remember, the intention is to critically analyze the argument instead of promoting a specific alternative perspective.