wouldnt the verb be require in the following sentence:

Do both surfing and snow skiing require coordination and balance more than strength?

You're right. :-)

ok thank you so much!

You're welcome.

Yes, you are correct. The verb "require" would be more appropriate in the sentence you provided. Here's how you can determine the correct verb for a sentence like this:

1. Identify the subjects: In this case, the subjects are "surfing" and "snow skiing."

2. Consider the action: The action being discussed is the level of coordination and balance needed for these activities.

3. Determine the correct verb: Ask yourself what the subjects need in relation to the action. In this sentence, both surfing and snow skiing need coordination and balance, so the verb "require" is the most suitable choice.

Corrected sentence: Do both surfing and snow skiing require coordination and balance more than strength?

Remember, when deciding on the appropriate verb for a sentence, it is crucial to consider the subject and the specific action or condition being discussed.