Cells make tissue and tissue makes what?


what type of tssue doe the figure represent

cells make tissue and tissue makes a organ ,organ makes organ system and organ system makes an organism.

To understand what tissue makes, we need to start from the basics of biological organization. Cells are the basic building blocks of life. They work together and combine to form tissues. Tissues, in turn, combine to form organs. Finally, organs work together to create organ systems, which make up the entire organism.

So, when you ask what tissue makes, the answer is organs. Tissues combine to form various types of organs in the body. Examples of organs include the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, and brain.

To find this information, you could refer to a biology textbook or search online resources specifically related to human anatomy and physiology. These sources will provide you with detailed information about the hierarchical organization of living organisms, including how cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems are interrelated.