How is density expressed


Density is a physical property that describes the amount of mass in a given volume of a substance. It is expressed as mass per unit volume. The standard unit for density is kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m³) in the International System of Units (SI). However, density can be expressed in other common units depending on the context and the substance being measured.

To calculate density, you need to know the mass and volume of the substance. The formula for density is:

Density = Mass / Volume

If the mass is given in kilograms (kg) and the volume in cubic meters (m³), then the resulting density value will be in kg/m³. If the mass is in grams (g) and the volume in cubic centimeters (cm³), the resulting density value will be in grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm³).

It is important to ensure that the mass and volume are measured using the same units for accurate calculations. Additionally, the density of a substance can vary with temperature and pressure, so it is often specified at a particular set of conditions.