Can I get some help with this problem




= 16 + 120 - (34 + 288)
= 136 - 322
= -186

OR just enter 2^4+15*8-(34+36*8) into Google

* is the accepted symbol for multiplication

2^4 is 16

then 15x8 =120
also -(34+36x80
distribute the (-) to the 34, 36 , and 80

Of course, I'd be happy to help you with this problem!

To simplify the expression 2^4 + 15 × 8 - (34 + 36 × 8), we can follow the order of operations, also known as PEMDAS.

Step 1: Simplify any operations inside parentheses.
In the expression, we have the parentheses (34 + 36 × 8). Let's solve this first:
34 + 36 × 8 = 34 + 288 = 322.

Now, the expression becomes: 2^4 + 15 × 8 - 322.

Step 2: Evaluate exponents.
The base 2 raised to the power of 4 (2^4) means multiplying 2 by itself 4 times:
2^4 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 = 16.

The expression becomes: 16 + 15 × 8 - 322.

Step 3: Multiply and divide from left to right.
Next, perform the multiplication of 15 × 8:
15 × 8 = 120.

The expression becomes: 16 + 120 - 322.

Step 4: Perform addition and subtraction from left to right.
Finally, we can solve the addition and subtraction in the expression:
16 + 120 - 322 = -186.

Therefore, the simplified answer to the expression 2^4 + 15 × 8 - (34 + 36 × 8) is -186.