convert 1.31 rad/s to rpm

1 radian = 1/(2pi) rotations

so 1.31 radians = 1.31/(2pi) rotations

1 second = (1/60)minute

then 1.31 rad/s = [1.31/(2pi)]/(1/60)] rotations/min
= 39.3/pi rpm

To convert radians per second (rad/s) to revolutions per minute (rpm), you need to use the following conversion factor:

1 revolution = 2π radians

1 minute = 60 seconds

Here are the steps to convert 1.31 rad/s to rpm:

Step 1: Start with the given value, which is 1.31 rad/s.

Step 2: Multiply the given rad/s value by (60 seconds / 2π radians) to cancel out the radian units.

1.31 rad/s * (60 seconds / 2π radians)

Step 3: Simplify the equation by dividing 60 by 2π, which is approximately 9.5493.

1.31 rad/s * (60 seconds / 2π radians) ≈ 9.5493 * 1.31 rpm

Step 4: Multiply the simplified value by 1.31 to find the result.

9.5493 * 1.31 rpm ≈ 12.51 rpm

Therefore, 1.31 rad/s is approximately equal to 12.51 rpm.