arramge terms in each polynomial in ascending powers of y.


please help.

you have everything except the y cubed right.

change that to
y^3(1+3x) + ... and you have it.

oops, you asked for ascending...

(2-2x^2t+x^3)y^0+ y + xy^2 + y^3(1+3x)

To arrange the terms in each polynomial in ascending powers of y, we need to rewrite the polynomials so that the terms with the lowest powers of y come first, followed by terms with higher powers of y.

Let's rearrange the given polynomial, y^3 + xy^2 + y + 2 - 2x^2t + 3xy^3 + x^3, in ascending powers of y.

First, let's collect all the terms with y^3:
y^3 + 3xy^3

Next, let's collect all the terms with y^2:

Next, let's collect all the terms with y:

Now, let's collect all the constant terms:
2 - 2x^2t + x^3

Putting it all together, the rearranged polynomial in ascending powers of y is:
3xy^3 + y^3 + xy^2 + y + x^3 - 2x^2t + 2

Therefore, the polynomial rearranged in ascending powers of y is:
3xy^3 + y^3 + xy^2 + y + x^3 - 2x^2t + 2.