How do you solve the reaction: Li + Mg2+ = ?

Li is above Mg in the activity series; therefore, Li will displace Mg^+2. The ionic reaction is as follows:

2Li + Mg^+2 ==> Mg + 2Li^+


what is the chemical reaction of hyrodgen peroxide + NH3

... The chemical formula and written formula!!

I'm not certain there is a reaction. Adding ammonia to H2O2 makes the solution much more basic which means the H2O2 is a much stronger oxidizing agent; therefore, whatever reaction is going on with the H2O2 (for example, as an oxidizing agent) takes place much more vigorously.

To solve this reaction, you need to determine if a chemical reaction will occur between lithium (Li) and magnesium ion (Mg2+). Here are the steps to follow:

1. Check the reactivity series: The reactivity series lists elements in order of decreasing reactivity. In this case, magnesium (Mg) is higher on the reactivity series than lithium, indicating that magnesium is more reactive than lithium.

2. Determine if a redox reaction occurs: Since magnesium is more reactive than lithium, it can displace lithium from its compounds. Lithium metal is less reactive than magnesium, so it cannot displace magnesium from its compounds. Therefore, a redox (oxidation-reduction) reaction will occur between lithium and magnesium ions.

3. Write the balanced chemical equation: Based on the reactants and products involved, the balanced equation for the reaction between lithium (Li) and magnesium ion (Mg2+) can be written as follows:

2 Li + Mg2+ → 2 Li+ + Mg

In this reaction, two lithium atoms react with one magnesium ion to form two lithium ions and one magnesium atom.

It is essential to note that the reaction occurs between a metal (lithium) and a metal ion (magnesium ion), resulting in a displacement reaction due to their different reactivities.