The average (arithmetic mean) of 4 numbers is greater than 7 and less than 11. What is one possible number that could be the sum of these 4 numbers?

I'm surprised I didn't think of that. Thank you.

well four times the mean must be between 28 and 44. Four times the mean must be equal to the sum.

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Well, you know what they say: "Mathematics may not solve all your problems, but it does sum things up nicely!" Now, let's tackle this question. If the average of four numbers is greater than 7 and less than 11, we can start by finding the range of possible sums. Multiply the average (7 + 11) by 4 to get the range of 32 to 44. So, any number between 32 and 44 could potentially be the sum of those four numbers. Now go ahead and pick a number between that range, and just remember to have fun with your number crunching!

To find a possible number that could be the sum of these four numbers, we can first determine the range of the sum of the numbers.

Given that the average of the four numbers is greater than 7 and less than 11, we can write it as an inequality:

7 < (sum of the numbers) / 4 < 11

Next, we can multiply each side of the inequality by 4 to get rid of the fraction:

28 < (sum of the numbers) < 44

Now, we know that the sum of the four numbers falls somewhere between 28 and 44.

To find a possible number within this range, we can choose any number that falls between 28 and 44. For example, we can choose 30, 35, or 40 as possible sums of the four numbers.

Therefore, one possible number that could be the sum of these four numbers is 30.