find this pattern: 10,40,90,61,52,63,94,46,18,001

and find the next 2 terms in the sequence




To find the pattern in the given sequence: 10, 40, 90, 61, 52, 63, 94, 46, 18, 001, let's analyze the differences between consecutive terms:

- The first difference between 40 and 10 is 30.
- The second difference between 90 and 40 is 50.
- The third difference between 61 and 90 is -29.
- The fourth difference between 52 and 61 is -9.
- The fifth difference between 63 and 52 is 11.
- The sixth difference between 94 and 63 is 31.
- The seventh difference between 46 and 94 is -48.
- The eighth difference between 18 and 46 is -28.
- The ninth difference between 001 and 18 is -17.

By observing the differences, we can see that there is no consistent pattern. Thus, it is difficult to determine the next terms in the sequence based on this information.

To find the pattern in the given sequence, let's look for any relationships or patterns between consecutive terms.

Upon initial observation, there doesn't seem to be a clear arithmetic or geometric pattern. However, we can still try to identify any patterns by examining the differences between consecutive terms.

10, 40, 90, 61, 52, 63, 94, 46, 18, 001

The differences between consecutive terms are as follows:

30, 50, -29, -9, 11, 31, -48, -28, -17

The differences are not following any consistent pattern with a constant difference. The sequence alternates between positive and negative differences, suggesting that there may be an alternating pattern.

Let's examine the pattern of the absolute values of the differences:

30, 50, 29, 9, 11, 31, 48, 28, 17

Now, let's rearrange the terms in pairs:

(30, 50), (29, 9), (11, 31), (48, 28), (17, ?)

Looking at each pair, it appears that the difference between the numbers in each pair is decreasing by 20 with each subsequent pair. The pattern seems to be that the first number of each pair increases by 20, while the second number remains the same or increases slightly.

Using this pattern, we can predict the next two terms:

The next number would be 17 + 20 = 37, and the number after that would be 37 + 20 = 57.

Therefore, the next two terms in the sequence are 37 and 57.

Keep in mind that since the pattern is not strongly established, this is only one possible interpretation, and there could be other patterns or variations that might generate different terms.