the question if from the boston tea party>"no taxation without representation" was often shouted by angry colonists. What does this phrase mean

It means the colonists were forced to pay different taxes, but they had no one to represent them in the British government. Needless to say, they were opposed to this situation. It's made very clear in the Declaration of Independence.

The phrase "no taxation without representation" was a popular slogan that emerged during the time of the Boston Tea Party. To understand its meaning, we need to go back to the historical context.

In the 18th century, the American colonies were under British rule but had no direct representation in the British Parliament. The British government, however, imposed various taxes and regulations on the colonies to fund its activities and maintain control.

The colonists, feeling that they were being unfairly taxed without having a say in the decision-making process, became increasingly frustrated and began to protest. The phrase "no taxation without representation" encapsulated their belief that it was unjust for the British government to impose taxes on them when they had no voice or representation in the legislative body that made those decisions.

By shouting this phrase, they were demanding that their rights as British subjects to have a say in the taxation process be recognized and respected. They believed that it was only fair to have elected representatives from the colonies who could voice their concerns and negotiate on their behalf.

This sentiment laid the foundation for the colonists' quest for greater autonomy and ultimately played a significant role in the lead up to the American Revolution.