What do you do when you have a rotated conic, and you are trying to find the angle and it comes to be tan= undefined.

Do I pick 90, or 270?

When dealing with a rotated conic and trying to find the angle at which it is rotated, it is important to consider a concept called the tangent function. The tangent function, usually denoted as "tan," is the ratio of the length of the side opposite an angle to the length of the adjacent side in a right triangle.

In this case, if the angle you are trying to find results in a tangent value of undefined, it means that the adjacent side in the right triangle (which represents the angle of rotation) has a length of zero. Therefore, the angle of rotation cannot be determined using the tangent function alone.

To solve this problem, you need to consider alternative methods. One approach is to use the cosine and sine functions. The cosine function, denoted as "cos," can be used to find the adjacent side, while the sine function, denoted as "sin," can be used to find the opposite side. By utilizing these trigonometric functions, you can calculate the angle of rotation.

To summarize, when the tangent value of an angle in a rotated conic is undefined, you cannot directly conclude whether the angle is 90 degrees or 270 degrees. Instead, you need to employ the cosine and sine functions to determine the correct angle of rotation.