5 major social institution in society


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The five major social institutions in society are:

1. Family: The primary institution where individuals are born into and raised. It provides emotional support, socialization, and the foundation for the development of values, norms, and behaviors.

2. Education: The institution responsible for transmitting knowledge, skills, and values from one generation to the next. Education encompasses formal schooling as well as informal learning.

3. Economy: The institution that governs the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. It includes businesses, industries, labor markets, and economic policies.

4. Government: The institution responsible for establishing and enforcing laws, maintaining social order, providing public services, and protecting citizens' rights and interests. It includes various levels of governing bodies, such as local, state, and national governments.

5. Religion: The institution that encompasses beliefs, rituals, values, and practices that connect individuals to a higher power or spiritual dimension. It provides moral and ethical guidelines, social cohesion, and a sense of purpose and meaning in life.

To determine the five major social institutions, one can examine the fundamental aspects that structure and shape society. These institutions are considered major due to their significant impact on individuals' lives and their crucial role in maintaining social order and stability. They serve various functions and interact with one another, influencing social norms, behaviors, and collective identity.