what makes sir launcelot a hero?

from the book title: the tale of sir launcelot du lake
by: sir thomas malory
translated by: keith baines


See definition #2.





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To determine why Sir Launcelot is considered a hero in "The Tale of Sir Launcelot du Lake" by Sir Thomas Malory (translated by Keith Baines), you will need to analyze his actions, characteristics, and the way he is portrayed in the book. Here's how you can do it:

1. Read the book: Start by reading the book itself to gain a comprehensive understanding of Sir Launcelot's character and the plot of the story. You need to examine his role in the narrative and the events that unfold around him.

2. Identify heroic traits: Look for characteristics or qualities that define a hero within the context of the story. Heroic traits often include bravery, loyalty, honor, selflessness, and a willingness to sacrifice for others. Take note of instances where Sir Launcelot displays these traits.

3. Assess his deeds: Consider the actions and deeds performed by Sir Launcelot throughout the story. Evaluate how his actions contribute to the greater good or the resolution of conflicts. Look for moments where he demonstrates exceptional courage, skill, or resourcefulness.

4. Analyze relationships: Examine the relationships Sir Launcelot has with other characters in the book. Heroes are often admired and respected by others. Pay attention to how people in the story perceive him and how he interacts with them, especially in terms of mentoring, chivalry, or protecting the weak.

5. Evaluate his impact: Consider the impact Sir Launcelot has on the overall narrative and the significance of his role. Reflect on how his decisions and actions shape the outcome of events or influence the lives of other characters.

6. Compare to literary archetypes: Refer to literary archetypes of heroes in Arthurian legends or medieval literature. Compare Sir Launcelot to these archetypes and analyze whether he embodies the qualities and characteristics associated with heroes of that time.

By following these steps, you will be able to identify the specific reasons why Sir Launcelot is considered a hero in "The Tale of Sir Launcelot du Lake" by Sir Thomas Malory, translated by Keith Baines.