if the constitution is principled document. can i get some examples PLEASE?

Examples of what?

was the constitution a principled or pragmatic document? what examples/evidence supports your possition

Wasn't the Constitution both principled and pragmatic? Didn't it espouse the principles of democracy and individual rights? Didn't it also spell out the practical ways of running the government?

Certainly! The Constitution of a country is often considered a principled document because it lays out the fundamental principles and values upon which the country's government and legal system are based. In the case of the United States, for example, the Constitution enumerates numerous principles. Here are a few key examples:

1. Separation of Powers: The Constitution divides the powers of the federal government into three branches - the executive, legislative, and judicial branches - to prevent any one branch from becoming too powerful.

2. Checks and Balances: The Constitution establishes a system of checks and balances, allowing each branch of government to limit the powers of the other branches. This ensures that no single branch of government can dominate or abuse its authority.

3. Federalism: The Constitution outlines the division of powers between the federal government and the states. It establishes a system of shared sovereignty where certain powers are reserved for the federal government, while others are given to the states, promoting a balance between national unity and local autonomy.

4. Fundamental Rights: The Constitution protects certain fundamental rights and liberties of individuals, such as freedom of speech, religion, and assembly, as outlined in the Bill of Rights. These rights are considered essential to a democratic society and are upheld by the judiciary.

To find examples of principles in any constitution, you can typically read the text of the constitution itself, as it is the primary source of information. Constitutions are usually available for public access and can be found in libraries or online through official government websites. Additionally, legal scholars, textbooks, and commentaries on constitutional law can provide further analysis and explanations of the principles contained within a constitution.