Find the y-intercept.




How could I find the y-intercept?

Thank you! But how do you graph these answers?

Thank you! But how do you graph these answers?

And how did you solve it?

Would y= -1/2x+1 be 1?

Use the equation to draw the graph. If you don't know how to do that, visit

Thank you very much! I appreciate your help and the time that you used.

To find the y-intercept of an equation, you need to identify the value of y when x equals zero. The y-intercept is the point where the line intersects the y-axis.

In the given equation, y = 2x + 1, setting x to zero will give us the y-intercept.

y = 2(0) + 1
y = 0 + 1
y = 1

So, the y-intercept is 1.