I have a math problem on conics and I am not sure what to do?

Workers are designing a TV receiving dish in the shape of a paraboloid of a revolution, the factory sent them a paraboloid that is ten feet across at the opening and three feet deep. What is the best place the receiver can be placed for the best reception?

Your school subject is NOT the same as your grade.

I know it automatically put in there, I didn't notice it right away.

I'm sorry -- but I hadn't noticed that feature when you click on a grade level to the left. That is confusing.

since focus of parabola... is the best place where the whole waves being focused... so the focus is the right place ... and its position is 2.08 feet from the depth of paraboloid .

To find the best place to position the receiver for the best reception, we need to determine the focus point of the paraboloid. The focus is the point within the paraboloid where incoming rays of light, in this case, radio waves, are reflected and converge.

To calculate the focus of a paraboloid, we can use the following formula:

p = (4 * d)
p represents the distance between the opening of the paraboloid and the focus point
d represents the depth of the paraboloid at its opening

In this case, the depth of the paraboloid (d) is 3 feet. Therefore, the distance (p) can be calculated as:

p = (4 * 3)
= 12 feet

Now, we have the distance between the opening and the focus, which is 12 feet. To find the best place for the receiver, we need to locate this point along the axis of symmetry of the paraboloid. The axis of symmetry is a line passing through the vertex (the deepest point) and the focus of the paraboloid.

Dividing the distance (p) evenly along the axis of symmetry, we find the best position for the receiver. Since the paraboloid is 10 feet across at the opening, the axis of symmetry passes through the middle, dividing it into two equal halves. Thus, the best position for the receiver would be 6 feet away from the vertex.

Note: The vertex is the deepest point of the paraboloid, which is half of the depth given. So, the vertex is 1.5 feet deep.

Therefore, the best position for the receiver to achieve the best reception is 6 feet away from the vertex along the axis of symmetry.