My son is daydreaming during school and it is effecting his grades, especially in reading and math. What can I do to redirect his focus?

These two sites have some excellent advice that may help you.,,8bl4,00.html

Redirecting a child's focus can be a challenge, but there are several strategies you can try to help your son stay engaged during school:

1. Understand the underlying issue: Talk to your son and try to understand his reasons for daydreaming. Is he finding the material too easy or too difficult? Is he feeling bored or disinterested? Identifying the root cause can help you address it more effectively.

2. Set realistic expectations: Help your son understand the importance of paying attention in class and the correlation between focus and academic success. Set achievable goals for him to work towards, both academically and behaviorally.

3. Create a structured routine: Establish a consistent daily schedule that includes dedicated study and homework time. This routine can help your son develop the habit of staying focused and engaged during school hours.

4. Minimize distractions: Identify and reduce potential distractions in his learning environment. Ensure that his study area is quiet, organized, and free from distractions like TV, video games, or other electronics.

5. Break tasks into smaller, manageable chunks: Large tasks can be overwhelming and make it easier for your son to become distracted. Help him break down projects, assignments, or reading into smaller, more manageable parts. This can make it easier for him to stay engaged and focused.

6. Incorporate hands-on learning: Some children respond better to interactive and hands-on learning experiences. Where possible, look for opportunities for your son to actively participate in the learning process through experiments, projects, or other engaging activities.

7. Provide incentives and rewards: Consider implementing a system where your son earns rewards or privileges for staying focused and completing his schoolwork. This can help motivate him to maintain attention and effort.

8. Regular communication with teachers: Stay in touch with your son's teachers to understand his progress, identify any specific areas of concern, and collaborate on strategies to help him stay engaged during class.

Remember, developing focus and attention is a skill that takes time and practice. Be patient and supportive while working with your son to redirect his focus.