is this correct for what i did on my birthdaythe name of the restaurant is the IVY.

Celebre mis ultimos cumpleanos con una limusina que me toma y diez amigos a un restaurante el Ivy en Beverly Hills.

i am a straight a student only class i struggle in spanish

This version is much better, but the final verdict should come from our expert SraJMcGin. I am not sure if cumpleanos is singular or plural (despite the "s") and whether "toma" is the right verb. It also means "to drink". Llevar might be better for what the limousine did. You are also mixing tenses, assuming Celebre' is preterite; "toma" is present.

I also believe "y diez amigos" should follow "me".

Actually you don't need "mis cumpleaños" because "Mi cumpleaños" is sufficient. (My birthday rather than my birthdays) Again, learn how to do those accent marks! It is considered wrong if they are missing!

Celebré mi último cumpleaños con una limusina que me tomó/OR llevó con diez amigos al restaurante "el Ivy = La Hiedra" en Beverly Hills.


Yes, your sentence is mostly correct. However, there are a few minor corrections to be made for better clarity and grammar.

"Celebré mi último cumpleaños con una limusina que me llevó, junto con diez amigos, al restaurante The Ivy en Beverly Hills."

Translation: "I celebrated my last birthday with a limousine that took me and ten friends to The Ivy restaurant in Beverly Hills."

It's great to hear that you are a straight-A student! If you're struggling with Spanish class, here are a few tips to improve:

1. Consistent practice: Make sure to practice Spanish regularly, whether it's through reading, writing, speaking, or listening. Consistency will help reinforce what you're learning.

2. Find a study method that works for you: Whether it's flashcards, language apps, or conversation partners, find a study method that suits your learning style and helps you retain information.

3. Seek help: Don't hesitate to ask for assistance from your teacher, classmates, or online resources. There are many resources available, such as grammar books, language forums, and online tutoring.

4. Immerse yourself in the language: Try to expose yourself to Spanish outside of the classroom. Watch movies or TV shows in Spanish, listen to Spanish podcasts or music, and try to incorporate the language into your daily life.

5. Be patient and persistent: Learning a new language takes time and effort. Don't get discouraged if you make mistakes or find certain concepts challenging. Keep practicing and seeking improvement, and you'll gradually see progress.

With dedication and practice, you can overcome your struggles in Spanish class. Good luck!