does any one know the equations for vectors?

Yes, many people know the equations for vectors. Vectors are quantities that have both magnitude and direction and are often used in mathematics and physics to represent various quantities such as displacement, velocity, and force. There are several equations associated with vectors, including:

1. Addition: The equation for adding two vectors is given by:
- If the vectors are in component form: V₁ = (Vx₁, Vy₁) and V₂ = (Vx₂, Vy₂), then the sum V = V₁ + V₂ is V = (Vx₁ + Vx₂, Vy₁ + Vy₂).
- If the vectors are in magnitude and direction form: V₁ = A₁θ₁ and V₂ = A₂θ₂, then the sum V = V₁ + V₂ is V = (A₁cosθ₁ + A₂cosθ₂, A₁sinθ₁ + A₂sinθ₂), where A is the magnitude and θ is the angle of the vector.

2. Subtraction: The equation for subtracting two vectors is similar to addition but with a negative sign:
- If the vectors are in component form: V = V₁ - V₂ is V = (Vx₁ - Vx₂, Vy₁ - Vy₂).
- If the vectors are in magnitude and direction form: V = V₁ - V₂ is V = (A₁cosθ₁ - A₂cosθ₂, A₁sinθ₁ - A₂sinθ₂).

3. Scalar Multiplication: To multiply a vector by a scalar (a real number), we multiply each component of the vector by that scalar. If V is a vector in component form, then V' = cV, where c is a scalar, is V' = (cVx, cVy).

4. Dot Product: The dot product of two vectors is a scalar quantity determined by multiplying the corresponding components of the vectors and summing them. If V₁ = (Vx₁, Vy₁) and V₂ = (Vx₂, Vy₂), then the dot product is given by V₁ · V₂ = Vx₁Vx₂ + Vy₁Vy₂.

These are just a few examples of equations associated with vectors. Depending on what you are trying to solve or represent, other equations may be applicable.