solve systems of equations by graphing...

I get how to graph and solve equations but i just don't understand why its coming out wrong


When solving systems of equations by graphing, you are essentially finding the point(s) where the graphs of the two equations intersect. These points represent the solutions to the system.

To graph the equations, you can plot points on a coordinate plane by assigning different values for the variables (u and v) and then plotting the corresponding points. Once you have a few points, you can connect them to form a line.

For the first equation, u = v, you can choose some values for v and then calculate the corresponding u values. For example, if v is 0, then u is also 0. If v is 1, then u is also 1, and so on. After plotting these points, connect them to create the graph of the first equation.

For the second equation, 4u = 3v - 3, you can simplify it to u = (3v - 3)/4. You can choose some values for v and calculate the corresponding u values. Plot these points and connect them to create the graph of the second equation.

Now, analyze the graphs to see where they intersect. If there is an intersection point, that means it is a possible solution to the system of equations.

If the graphs didn't intersect or you're not getting the expected result, it could be due to a few reasons:
1. Mistakes in graphing: Double-check your graphing process and make sure you plotted the points correctly or connected them accurately.
2. Insufficient accuracy: If the intersection point is very close or falls between grid lines, it might be difficult to interpret precisely. In such cases, using a more precise graphing tool or software might be helpful.
3. No solution or infinite solutions: If the two lines are parallel, they will never intersect, meaning there is no solution. Alternatively, if the two lines are identical, they will overlap, indicating infinite solutions.

Recheck your calculations and graphing process to ensure accuracy and correctness. Also, use additional methods like substitution or elimination to double-check and verify the solution to the system of equations.