You have been asked to evaluate the country you selected as a potential market for your product(s)/service(s) and present your findings to other managers of the organization in a memo. In your memo, be sure to address the following:

Provide a brief overview of the company and why the country you selected may be a potential market.
What type of political and legal systems does the country have?
Do free elections take place?
Is the government heavily involved in the economy?
Is the legal system effective and impartial?
Do political and legal conditions suggest that it should be further considered as a potential market?

try "ask" or "google"

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. We could certainly help you further if we knew the country you selected!



To: [Managers of the Organization]
From: [Your Name]
Date: [Current Date]
Subject: Evaluation of [Selected Country] as a Potential Market

I am writing this memo to present the findings of my evaluation on [Selected Country] as a potential market for our product(s)/service(s), as requested. This analysis aims to provide an overview of the political and legal systems in the country and to determine whether these conditions suggest that it should be further considered as a potential market.

1. Brief Overview of the Company and the Potential Market:
Our company [Company Name] is a [description of the company and its products/services] targeting local and international markets. After conducting extensive research and market analysis, it has been identified that [Selected Country] holds significant potential for our offerings. This potential can be attributed to factors such as [mention factors such as growing economy, favorable demographics, market demand, etc.].

2. Political and Legal Systems:
In terms of political and legal systems, [Selected Country] operates under a [type of political system] and [type of legal system]. [Selected Country]'s political system can be described as [briefly explain the key features and characteristics of the political system]. Meanwhile, the legal system in [Selected Country] is [explain the type of legal system in place and any important aspects of it]. The political and legal conditions are crucial to understanding the potential opportunities and risks for our business expansion.

3. Free Elections:
[Selected Country] does [or does not] conduct free elections. [Provide information about the election process, such as frequency, participation levels, existence of opposition parties, etc.].

4. Government Involvement in the Economy:
The level of government involvement in the economy of [Selected Country] is [describe whether the government has a high, moderate, or low level of involvement]. This can be seen through [examples of state-owned enterprises, subsidies, regulations, etc.].

5. Effectiveness and Impartiality of the Legal System:
The effectiveness and impartiality of the legal system in [Selected Country] is [describe whether the legal system is effective and impartial, or if there are perceived challenges]. This can be assessed by considering factors such as [efficiency of courts, level of corruption, transparency, etc.].

6. Potential Market Considerations:
Based on the evaluation of political and legal conditions, [Selected Country] should be further considered as a potential market for our products/services due to the following reasons:

- [Explain the positive aspects of the political and legal conditions that suggest potential opportunities for our business, such as stability, strong rule of law, investment incentives, etc.].
- [Address any potential challenges or risks associated with the political and legal conditions, and how our company can navigate them effectively].

In conclusion, the evaluation of [Selected Country] as a potential market for our products/services reveals promising aspects and potential growth opportunities. However, it is essential that we ensure a comprehensive understanding of the political and legal landscape and develop appropriate strategies to mitigate any challenges that may arise.

Please feel free to reach out if you need any further information or clarification on the findings of this evaluation.

Thank you for your attention.

Best regards,
[Your Name]