I need help understanding simple subject, & simple predicate of this sentence?

Sentence #1 The first movies ere different from today's films.


Let us know what you decide, and we'll let you know if you're right. Be sure to double check your spelling.

To identify the simple subject and simple predicate in a sentence, it's important to understand their definitions:

1. Simple Subject: The simple subject is the main noun or pronoun that the sentence is about. It represents the main entity or thing that the sentence is describing.

2. Simple Predicate: The simple predicate, also known as the verb, is the action or state of being that the subject is involved in.

Now, let's analyze the sentence you provided: "The first movies were different from today's films."

To find the simple subject:

First, we need to identify the main noun or pronoun that the sentence is about. In this case, it is "movies." The word "movies" is the subject because it represents the main entity that the sentence is discussing.

Therefore, the simple subject of the sentence is "movies."

To find the simple predicate:

The simple predicate, which is the verb, shows the action or state of being of the subject. In this sentence, the verb is "were." It indicates the state of being for the subject.

Therefore, the simple predicate of the sentence is "were."

In summary:

- Simple Subject: Movies
- Simple Predicate: Were