If you were in downtown CHICAGO and facing north, what direction would u go to reach lake michigan?



To determine which direction to go in order to reach Lake Michigan from downtown Chicago while facing north, you would need to understand the city's street grid. Chicago's street grid is organized in a roughly north-south and east-west pattern, making it easier to navigate.

First, locate Lake Michigan on a map or using a navigation app. Lake Michigan is located east of downtown Chicago. It spans along the eastern edge of the city.

Next, imagine yourself facing north in downtown Chicago. Remember that when facing north, your left side corresponds to the west, your right side corresponds to the east, and your back is facing south.

Now, you should turn towards your right side, which is east. By turning right and walking in an eastward direction, you will be heading towards Lake Michigan from downtown Chicago.

If you still find it difficult to locate the lake, you can orient yourself by referring to notable landmarks, such as the Navy Pier or the Magnificent Mile, both of which are situated along the lakefront.

Remember, it's always helpful to have a map or use a navigation app to assist you in finding your way, especially when exploring unfamiliar areas.