Have to read the short story "Forgiveness in Families" taken from inside stories 2.

How do Cam's early years foreshadow the years he spends as a member of the religious sect? How has he changed at the end of the story? Do you think this change is permanent? Why or Why not?

To read the short story "Forgiveness in Families" taken from Inside Stories 2, you can follow these steps:

1. Check if you have access to Inside Stories 2. This may be a book available in your school or local library, or it might be available for purchase online or as an e-book.

2. If you have access to the book, locate the story "Forgiveness in Families" within it. Look for the table of contents or use the index to find the specific page number where the story starts.

3. Once you have found the story, begin reading to explore how Cam's early years foreshadow the years he spends as a member of the religious sect. Pay attention to any details or events from his childhood that connect to his involvement in the religious sect later on.

Now, let's discuss Cam's transformation throughout the story:

Cam's early years do foreshadow his years spent as a member of the religious sect. In the beginning, Cam grows up in a troubled family, surrounded by violence and neglect. His father is abusive, and his mother is absent and indifferent. This early environment leaves Cam vulnerable and searching for meaning and belonging.

When Cam becomes a member of the religious sect, he finds a sense of purpose and community that he lacked in his early years. The sect provides structure, guidance, and a substitute family. Cam's dedication to the sect becomes evident through his obedient behavior, adherence to its rules, and willingness to sacrifice his own desires for the sake of the group.

However, at the end of the story, Cam experiences a significant change. He starts questioning the beliefs and practices of the religious sect, realizing that they may not align with his own values. He becomes disillusioned with the cult-like aspects and the manipulation he experiences within the group. This change is evident when he decides to leave the sect, despite the potential consequences.

As for whether this change is permanent, it is subjective. It depends on Cam's resilience and determination to stay true to his newfound insight. While leaving the religious sect suggests a significant transformation, the lingering influence of his early years may still impact him. Further, the story does not provide explicit details on Cam's future, making it open to interpretation. Whether his change is permanent or not ultimately depends on factors such as his continued growth, personal development, and the choices he makes in the future.

After you've read the story, please post your answers. We'll be glad to help you then.