a line has slope 4/3. through which points could this line pass?

a.) (24,19), (8,10)
b.) (10,8), (16,0)
c.) (28,10), (22,2)
d.) (4,20), (0,17)

if possible show the work plz!!!!

so why don't you figure the slope of each. You can eliminate some rather quickly, as in b) and a)

To determine through which points a line with a slope of 4/3 could pass, we need to check if the slope between each pair of points matches the given slope (4/3).

Let's calculate the slope between each pair of points and see if it matches the given slope:

a.) (24,19), (8,10)
Using the slope formula: slope = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)
Slope = (10 - 19) / (8 - 24) = (-9) / (-16) = 9/16
Since the slope of 9/16 does not match the given slope of 4/3, this line does not pass through these points.

b.) (10,8), (16,0)
Slope = (0 - 8) / (16 - 10) = (-8) / 6 = -4/3
The slope of -4/3 does not match the given slope of 4/3. Hence, this line does not pass through these points.

c.) (28,10), (22,2)
Slope = (2 - 10) / (22 - 28) = (-8) / (-6) = 4/3
The slope matches the given slope of 4/3, so this line could pass through these points.

d.) (4,20), (0,17)
Slope = (17 - 20) / (0 - 4) = (-3) / (-4) = 3/4
The slope of 3/4 does not match the given slope of 4/3. Thus, this line does not pass through these points.

Therefore, the line with a slope of 4/3 could pass through the points (28,10) and (22,2). The correct answer is option c.