I'm having a brain freeze. Is this sentence right: "Dad, you promise to come watch me in the play, right" said Ryan? I forget does the ? go after right and a period after Ryan. Thanks

after the right silly

but.. what happens if I have to put said Ryan. Would it be right?" said Ryan.

yes it goes after the question

"Dad, you promise to come watch me in the play, right?" said Ryan.

Thank you so very very much. Have a great night

Yes, you have correctly placed the question mark after the word "right" in the sentence. However, there should be a comma after the word "Ryan" instead of a period.

To determine where punctuation marks should be placed in a sentence, you can follow these basic rules:

1. End a statement or command with a period (.)
Example: "I love to read."

2. End a question with a question mark (?)
Example: "Where are you going?"

3. Use a comma (,) before or after direct speech when identifying the speaker.
Example: "She said, 'I'll be there.'"

In your sentence, "Dad, you promise to come watch me in the play, right?" is a direct speech with the speaker identified as Ryan. Therefore, a comma is needed after the word "Ryan," and a question mark is needed at the end of the sentence.

I hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any more questions.