First of all I don't just need the answer I need it explained where a third grader can understand it. I actually know the answer, but I don't know how to explain it to a third grader. ?Doug has 170 stamps in his collection. His first book of stamps has 30 more stamps in it than his second book. How many stamps are in each book? Thanks

Suppose there are P stamps in Doug's first book. Then there are (P+30) stamps in his second book. The total number of stamps in his collection is 170, and his collection equals the number of stamps in the first book plus the number in the second book. So P + (P+30) = 170, which means that 2xP + 30 = 170, so 2xP = 170-30 = 140. If 2xP = 140, then P = 140/2 = 70. This is the number in his first book, so he's got 70+30=100 stamps in his second book. Check the answer: 70+100=170, and 100 is 30 more than 70. Correct!

Sure! Let's break down the problem step by step, so it's easier to understand.

We know that Doug has a total of 170 stamps in his collection. Let's call the number of stamps in the second book "x".

Now, according to the problem, the first book has 30 more stamps than the second book. So, if the second book has "x" stamps, the first book will have "x + 30" stamps.

To find the total number of stamps, we can add the number of stamps in the first and second book together:

(x + 30) + x = 170

Now, we can simplify the equation:

2x + 30 = 170

To solve for x, we need to get rid of the 30 on the left side of the equation. We can do this by subtracting 30 from both sides:

2x + 30 - 30 = 170 - 30

Simplifying further:

2x = 140

Now, we need to isolate x by dividing both sides of the equation by 2:

2x/2 = 140/2

Simplifying once more:

x = 70

Therefore, the second book has 70 stamps. Since the first book has 30 more stamps than the second book, we can add 30 to find the number of stamps in the first book:

70 + 30 = 100

So, the first book has 100 stamps.

In summary, Doug's second book has 70 stamps, while his first book has 100 stamps.