i can't find these patterns.

my mom and dad tried to.

first problem

second problems
61,___, ___, ___, 81

first: each blank decreases by 8 ( four decreases to 32 from 64, or 32/4)

second: four increases for a total increase of 20, so 20/4 is five increase in each blank.

I think I have an answer to both the first and second problem.

Problem 1-It appears you are subtracting 8 each time.

Problem 2-It appears you are adding 5 each time. 61+5=66

To find the missing numbers in the given patterns, we can analyze the given sequence and look for any patterns or relationships between the numbers. Let's break down each problem and explore the possible solutions step by step:

First problem: 64, __, ___, ___, 32

One observation we can make here is that the pattern is decreasing from 64 to 32. There might be a constant difference between each consecutive number, which we can use to find the missing values.

To determine the difference, we subtract 32 (the last number) from 64 (the first number):
64 - 32 = 32

Now, let us check if this difference remains consistent throughout the pattern:
64 - 32 = 32
32 - 32 = 0
0 - 32 = -32

Based on this analysis, we can conclude that the difference between each consecutive number is decreasing by 32 each time.

Using this pattern, we can find the missing numbers in the sequence:
64 - 32 = 32
32 - 32 = 0
0 - 32 = -32

Therefore, the missing numbers are:
64, 32, 0, -32, 32.

Second problem: 61, ___, ___, ___, 81

In this sequence, we don't have a consistent pattern of a fixed difference like a arithmetic sequence. However, we can explore some other possibilities to find the relationship between the numbers.

One approach is to observe that the first number is 61, and the last number is 81, which differ by 20.

To find the difference between consecutive numbers, we subtract the last number from the first number:
61 - 81 = -20

Now, let's check if this difference remains consistent throughout the pattern:
61 - 81 = -20
-20 - 20 = -40
-40 - 20 = -60

Based on this analysis, we can conclude that the difference between consecutive numbers is decreasing by 20 each time.

Using this pattern, we can find the missing numbers in the sequence:
61 - 20 = 41
41 - 20 = 21
21 - 20 = 1

Therefore, the missing numbers are:
61, 41, 21, 1, 81.

Remember, in these types of problems, there may be multiple possible solutions, and we need to consider the available information and make logical assumptions based on patterns.