A watch loses 0.44 seconds every minute. How many minutes will the watch lose in 1 day?

The watch will lose 633.6 seconds in 1 day.

The watch will lose 10.56 minutes in 1 day.

Wrong calculations. Correct answer would be:

The watch will lose 1209.6 minutes in 1 day.

To determine how many minutes the watch will lose in 1 day, we can first calculate how many minutes are in a day and then find the loss of the watch in that duration.

There are 24 hours in a day, and each hour consists of 60 minutes. Therefore, there are 24 x 60 = 1440 minutes in a day.

Now, to calculate the loss of the watch in 1 day, we can multiply the number of minutes in a day (1440 minutes) by the rate of loss per minute (0.44 seconds per minute).

To convert the rate of loss from seconds to minutes, we need to divide the rate by 60 (since there are 60 seconds in a minute). So, 0.44 seconds per minute is equal to 0.44 / 60 = 0.00733 minutes per minute.

Multiplying this rate by the number of minutes in a day, we get:

0.00733 minutes per minute x 1440 minutes = 10.57 minutes in 1 day.

Therefore, the watch will lose approximately 10.57 minutes in 1 day.