what is the prime power factorization


Do you mean "What does "prime power factorization" mean? If so, it means expressing a number n as the product of its prime factors in the form:

n = (p1^a1) x (p2^a2) x (p3^a3) etc etc

where p1, p2, p3 etc are prime factors of n, and a1, a2, a3 etc are exponents.

The following description of how to find the prime power factorization is copied from the MathLab site on the internet:

The basic procedure for finding the factorization is as follows:

Start with the first prime, p = 2, and check to see if 2 | n. If so, then replace n with n/2. Repeat until 2 will no longer divide in evenly, keeping track of the number of factors of 2.

Repeat the above step with the next prime, p = 3, and then with the next prime, p = 5, and so on. As above, keep track of the number of factors along the way.

Stop when you are left with 1 or with a number you know is prime.