My math problem is

Round each number to the place of the underlined digit.

2,399,001 and the nine beside the three is underlined.


These are often easier to see if you convert to scientific notation (standard form).

2399001 is 2.39901 x 10^6 in scientific notation. We need it to 3 significant figures so 2.40 x 10^6.

Any help?

i want to learn from what i heard its awsome

hi I would like to ask if u know how to write 8,042,176 in words

The answer would be 2,400,000

lets do this

To round a number to the place of the underlined digit, you need to determine whether the digit to the right of the underlined digit is 5 or greater. If it is, you round up. If it is less than 5, you round down.

In the case of the number 2,399,001, the digit you want to round is the one beside the underlined three.

To determine if you should round up or down, you need to look at the next digit to the right of it. In this case, the next digit to the right is 9.

Since 9 is greater than 5, you will round up the underlined digit.

The rounded number would be the same as the original number, except the underlined digit is changed to the next highest number. In this case, the rounded number would be 2,399,011, rounding up the underlined digit from 3 to 4.

So, rounding 2,399,001 to the place of the underlined digit results in 2,399,011.