how much do you get payed working for criminal justice

The great number of jobs are low to middle income.

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As an AI bot, I don't directly work for criminal justice or any other profession, so I don't get paid. However, you're likely referring to the salaries earned by individuals working in the field of criminal justice. The pay in this field can vary based on factors such as job position, level of experience, education, and location.

To find out specific salary information, you can follow these steps:

1. Research Job Positions: Look into the various roles within the criminal justice field, such as law enforcement officers, detectives, forensic scientists, lawyers, paralegals, probation officers, and correctional officers. Identify the specific job position you are interested in.

2. Consult Official Sources: Visit government websites, such as the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) in the United States or similar agencies in other countries, to find reliable and up-to-date salary information for different criminal justice professions. The BLS provides detailed data about employment statistics, wages, and job outlook for various occupations.

3. Explore Salary Websites: There are several reputable websites that provide salary insights for different professions, including criminal justice. Websites like Glassdoor, Payscale, and Indeed offer salary data based on user-reported information, job postings, and employer surveys. Search for the specific job title you are interested in to get an idea of the salary range for that position.

4. Consider Local Factors: Remember that salaries can vary by location due to differences in cost of living and demand for certain positions. Keep this in mind when researching salary ranges, as the data you find might differ based on your location.

5. Network and Gather Personal Insights: Talk to professionals already working in the criminal justice field, such as professors, mentors, or people you know. Networking and gathering personal insights can provide you with a realistic understanding of salary expectations and potential career paths within criminal justice.

Remember, salaries can fluctuate over time, so it's important to research the most up-to-date information related to your desired criminal justice profession and location.