I have to design a gadget that will either: light a match, pop a balloon, cause something to change color, lift a 500gm object at least 5cm, Blow out a candle, and/or turn on a light bulb.

This experiment can be done by either using baking soda and vinegar or Alka-Seltzer and water. Please help!
I can blow up a balloon but it will not pop what am I missing?

Put the balloon above the candle, the candle will burn a hole, and the carbon dioxide should put theflame out.

well put

How do you design this experiment?

To create a gadget that can pop a balloon using either baking soda and vinegar or Alka-Seltzer and water, you can build a simple mechanism that generates gas to inflate the balloon until it pops. Here's an explanation on how you can achieve that using baking soda and vinegar:

Materials needed:
1. Balloon
2. Empty water bottle with a screw-on cap
3. Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)
4. Vinegar (acetic acid)
5. Funnel
6. Small piece of tissue paper
7. Rubber band

1. Attach the balloon to the mouth of the water bottle but do not inflate it yet.
2. Use the funnel to pour about 1-2 tablespoons of baking soda into the balloon. Make sure you don't drop any baking soda into the bottle itself.
3. Remove the funnel and set it aside.
4. Stretch the tissue paper over the mouth of the bottle, then secure it tightly with the rubber band, creating a seal.
5. Turn the bottle upside down, keeping a firm grip on both the balloon and the bottle cap.
6. Quickly remove the cap from the bottle and pour vinegar into the bottle, aiming it to the baking soda inside the balloon.
7. As the vinegar reacts with the baking soda, it will produce carbon dioxide gas, inflating the balloon. Eventually, the balloon will pop due to the increasing pressure of the gas.

If your balloon is not popping, there might be a few possible reasons:

1. Insufficient amount of vinegar or baking soda: Try increasing the amount of vinegar in the bottle or adding more baking soda to the balloon. You may need to experiment with the proportions until you achieve the desired result.

2. Inadequate reaction time: Ensure that you remove the bottle cap quickly after adding the vinegar to start the chemical reaction immediately. The faster the reaction occurs, the more gas will be produced, increasing the chance of the balloon popping.

3. Using a balloon that is too strong: Some balloons are made of thicker rubber or latex, which makes them harder to pop. Try using a thinner balloon or inflate it to a larger size to make it easier for the gas pressure to burst it.

Remember to take appropriate safety precautions while conducting any experiment and handle the materials with care.