Zlatek the Goat ?

SINGER , Isaac Bashevis (1904-1991):

Zlatek the Goat and Other Stories (Cuentos judíos de la aldea de Chelm)

Okay - I've found it. What's the question please?

Before any one can help you with a question, we need to know what your question is.

Zlatek the Goat is a character in the book "Number the Stars" by Lois Lowry. He is a pet goat owned by Annemarie Johansen's family who lives in Denmark during World War II. Zlatek the Goat plays a small but memorable role in the story, providing moments of levity and connection to the natural world amidst the hardships of war.

To learn more about Zlatek the Goat and his role in the book "Number the Stars," you can:

1. Read the book: "Number the Stars" is a historical fiction novel aimed at young readers, but it can be enjoyed by readers of all ages. Reading the book will provide you with a deeper understanding of the story and the character of Zlatek the Goat.

2. Consult online sources: There are many websites and online resources dedicated to book summaries and analyses. Searching for "Zlatek the Goat" or "Number the Stars" will lead you to websites that discuss the character and his significance in the story.

3. Join book discussion forums: Engaging with other readers who have read "Number the Stars" can provide different perspectives and insights about Zlatek the Goat. Online book discussion forums or social media groups centered around literature are great places to connect with fellow readers and share thoughts about specific characters or themes.

Remember, Zlatek the Goat is just one aspect of the larger story in "Number the Stars," so exploring the book as a whole will give you a more comprehensive understanding of the character and his role in the narrative.