What part of speech is the word "Below" used in the following sentence.

Below the main level, we have a large playroom.


"below" in that sentence is a preposition beginning the adverb phrase... "below the main level"

To determine the part of speech of a word, you can look at how it functions within the sentence and its role in conveying meaning. In the sentence "Below the main level, we have a large playroom," the word "below" is used as a preposition.

A preposition is a part of speech that establishes a relationship between a noun or pronoun and other words in a sentence. In this case, "below" is indicating the position or location of the playroom in relation to the main level.

To identify that "below" is a preposition, you can look for clues such as its function in providing spatial or directional information, introducing a prepositional phrase (in this case, "below the main level"), and its ability to take an object (such as "the main level").

Overall, the word "below" is used as a preposition in the given sentence.