I don't understand because the teaher explains that I have a whole number as the ending answer which I cant seem to come up with. I may have posted the problem wrong.

4+6(12-6) /4^2

The equation you posted is not possible to have a whole number.

Either you posted it wrong or there is a different way of solving it.

You posted the same question at 8:57 and I answered it.

The way you typed it, I stand by my answer.

To correctly solve the expression 4 + 6(12-6) / 4^2, we need to follow the order of operations, also known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division from left to right, Addition and Subtraction from left to right). Let's break it down step by step:

1. Start with the parentheses: (12-6). Inside the parentheses, we have a subtraction operation, which gives us 6.

2. Next, multiply: 6 * 6. Multiplying 6 by 6 equals 36.

3. Moving on to the division: 36 / 4^2. Here, we need to evaluate the exponent first. That means we need to calculate 4 raised to the power of 2, which is 16.

4. Now, divide: 36 / 16 equals 2.25.

5. Finally, add: 4 + 2.25 equals 6.25.

Therefore, the correct answer to the expression 4 + 6(12-6) / 4^2 is 6.25, not a whole number as your teacher explained. Make sure to use the correct order of operations to arrive at the accurate solution.