why did zheng he's fleet try to reach many new places

Read the section called Expeditions in this site.


Zheng He's fleet, known as the Ming treasure voyages, embarked on several expeditions during the early 15th century. There were several reasons why Zheng He's fleet tried to reach many new places:

1. Trade and Diplomacy: One of the primary motivations was to establish trade networks and strengthen diplomatic ties with other countries. These voyages aimed to expand Chinese influence and enhance the Ming Dynasty's prestige on the global stage.

2. Tribute System: China followed the tribute system, where foreign states recognized the Chinese emperor as their superior and paid tribute in exchange for trade privileges. Zheng He's voyages aimed to collect tributes from various nations and showcase the Ming Dynasty's power.

3. Resource Acquisition: Zheng He's fleet aimed to acquire valuable resources and exotic goods from different regions. This included precious metals, rare gems, spices, and other luxury items that could enrich the empire.

4. Exploration and Knowledge: Zheng He's expeditions were also driven by a spirit of exploration and the pursuit of knowledge. These voyages aimed to gather information about unknown lands, navigation techniques, geography, and other scientific and cultural aspects.

To get more detailed information about Zheng He's fleet and their voyages, you can refer to historical sources such as books, articles, or online databases. Additionally, museum exhibitions and documentaries often provide insights into the motivations and achievements of Zheng He and his fleet.