Oedipus... What eyewitness to the murder of Laius still exists? Scene 2 P

The shepherd who was the servant of Laius from whom Oedipus was originally obtained? ...

In Scene 2 of the play Oedipus Rex, there is no specific eyewitness mentioned who directly witnessed the murder of Laius. However, there is a character named Teiresias who plays a crucial role in revealing the truth about the murder.

To find an answer to your question about the eyewitness, we can follow these steps:

1. Read or review Scene 2 of Oedipus Rex: Start by reading or reviewing the specific scene mentioned, which is Scene 2. This will give you a better understanding of the events and characters involved.

2. Identify the characters: Pay attention to the characters present in the scene and their roles. In Oedipus Rex, Teiresias, a blind prophet, is an important character who possesses knowledge of the murder.

3. Analyze the dialogue: Analyze the dialogue between characters in Scene 2. Look for any mentions of the murder of Laius, particularly if anyone discusses having witnessed it.

4. Examine Teiresias' role: Focus on Teiresias and his statements during Scene 2. Teiresias is often portrayed as having knowledge of the truth, and he may provide crucial information about the murder.

Based on these steps, it can be concluded that Teiresias is a character who possesses important knowledge regarding the murder of Laius. Though he may not be an actual eyewitness, his role as a prophet in the play allows him to reveal key information about the murder and its perpetrator.