The intolerable acts:

a. closed temporarily all american ports
b. touched off the boston tea party
c. percipitated the first continental congress
d. was largely ignored outside massachusetts

i think it is c


To determine the correct answer, we need to understand what the Intolerable Acts were and their consequences. The Intolerable Acts were a series of punitive measures imposed by the British Parliament on the colonies in response to the Boston Tea Party, which occurred in 1773. These acts were aimed at punishing the colonists and asserting British control.

Option a: The Intolerable Acts did not directly involve closing all American ports. However, one of the acts, known as the Boston Port Act, did indeed close the port of Boston until the colonists paid for the destroyed tea during the Boston Tea Party.

Option b: The Intolerable Acts were a direct consequence of the Boston Tea Party, as the British government sought to impose harsh punishments and assert control over the colonies.

Option c: This is correct. The Intolerable Acts did lead to the convening of the First Continental Congress in 1774. The Congress was a meeting of representatives from twelve of the thirteen American colonies to discuss and address their grievances against the British government.

Option d: The Intolerable Acts were not ignored outside Massachusetts. They caused outrage and further united the colonies against British rule, leading to widespread support for the revolutionary cause.

Based on the explanations above, the correct answer is indeed c. The Intolerable Acts precipitated the First Continental Congress.