Each scenario describes an individual or organization with specific IT needs. Based on the information presented in the scenario, make a recommendation for which computer system type would be the best fit for each individual or organization and why. Your response should be 150 to 250 words for each scenario.

Scenario 1

Sarah’s Flower Designs is a fledgling, home-based business in Madison, Wisconsin, consisting of three employees. Sarah, the owner, handles all of the floral arrangements. Her assistant, Mark, handles the purchasing of flowers, related materials, and takes telephone and walk-in orders from customers. Mark also keeps the financial and client records in order. Kim is the delivery driver and makes local deliveries to homes and businesses.

Sarah’s Flower Designs is looking to upgrade its computer system (an older model PC) to help keep up with the growing demand of their customers. They would like to house their client information and order histories on their new system, as well as bill their customers electronically. They also want Kim to have a way to keep track of customer addresses and specific delivery instructions while she is on the road. What IT recommendations would you make for Sarah’s Flower Designs?

Scenario 2

SBI Corporation is a financial consulting organization based out of Dallas, Texas with four satellite offices located throughout the southwestern United States. The company has 300 full-time employees, 20 of whom travel to various office locations 2 to 4 days a week. These 20 employees do not have access to email and other company programs when they are traveling.

SBI Corporation wants to improve their company Web site to provide its clients with access to their portfolio information 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The company also wants to supply technology equipment to employees who travel on a regular basis, in order to keep them in the loop. What IT recommendations would you make for SBI Corporation?

Scenario 3

The Helping Hands League is a nonprofit organization out of Orlando, Florida that offers assistance to elderly and handicapped individuals. Currently, the league has 35 volunteers who are assigned to help different people in the community with errands, reading, cooking, and household chores.

The Helping Hands League does not have a lot of money to spend on technology. The league wants to keep records on each client and volunteer for tax purposes and have the ability to create schedules for volunteers to ensure the needs of each client are being met. What IT recommendations would you make for the Helping Hands League?

Scenario 4

John is an up-and-coming jazz singer and songwriter. He has regular gigs performing his original music at a neighborhood wine bar and a local Italian restaurant in his hometown of Santa Barbara, California. John is frequently asked by many of the wine bar and restaurant patrons if he has a CD recording of his songs for sale.

John has not been signed to a record label as of yet, but he has been thinking about recording an album independently and selling it online and at his shows. He would like to record and produce the album on his own, at his house. John would also like to keep track of his personal and professional finances, listen to the audition recordings of session musicians interested in playing with him on his album, and have access to the Internet. What IT recommendations would you make for John?

Did you notice that they said YOUR response? We do not do your homework for you. We will be happy to make suggestions/corrections after you have done the writing.

Scenario 1: For Sarah's Flower Designs, the best computer system type would be a small business computer system. This would include a powerful desktop computer for Sarah to handle floral arrangements, a laptop for Mark to handle purchasing and record-keeping, and a tablet for Kim to keep track of deliveries.

The desktop computer should have enough processing power and memory to handle the demands of floral design software and should also have enough storage space to store client information and order histories. It should also have the capability to send electronic bills to customers.

For Mark, a laptop would be ideal as it would allow him to work on the go and easily access client records and financial information. It should have a good battery life and be lightweight for portability.

A tablet for Kim would provide her with a convenient and portable solution for keeping track of delivery addresses and instructions. It should have a built-in GPS and the ability to sync with the main computer system to ensure up-to-date information.

Overall, this combination of devices would allow Sarah's Flower Designs to efficiently manage their business operations and improve customer satisfaction.

Scenario 2: For SBI Corporation, a cloud-based virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) system would be the best fit. This would allow employees to access their emails and other company programs from any location, including when they are traveling.

In addition, the company should invest in a reliable and secure website hosting service to improve their website and provide clients with access to portfolio information. This would ensure that clients can access their information 24/7 without any disruptions.

For employees who travel regularly, providing them with laptops or tablets equipped with VPN (virtual private network) access would keep them connected and allow them to access company resources securely.

Implementing a strong data backup and recovery solution is also crucial for SBI Corporation to protect sensitive client information and minimize any potential data loss.

Overall, a cloud-based VDI system, improved website hosting, and equipped laptops or tablets with VPN access would enhance productivity and connectivity for SBI Corporation.

Scenario 3: For the Helping Hands League, a simple and cost-effective solution would be to use cloud-based platforms and applications. This would provide them with the ability to create and store client and volunteer records, as well as create schedules for volunteers.

Using cloud-based storage solutions such as Google Drive or Dropbox would allow the league to keep records on each client and volunteer securely and access them from any device with an internet connection.

To create schedules for volunteers, project management tools like Trello or Asana can be utilized for free or at a low cost. These tools provide a visual interface for managing tasks and assigning volunteers to specific assignments.

Given the limited budget, using free or low-cost software solutions will help the league in managing their tasks effectively without the need for expensive hardware or software.

Overall, adopting cloud-based platforms and applications will enable the Helping Hands League to keep records and create schedules efficiently and within their budget constraints.

Scenario 4: For John, an independent artist and musician, a combination of personal and professional tools would be recommended.

To record and produce his album at home, John would need a computer with sufficient processing power, memory, and storage capacity. A high-quality audio interface and microphone would also be necessary for recording vocals and instruments.

For keeping track of personal and professional finances, utilizing accounting software such as QuickBooks or Wave would be helpful. These tools can help John track income, expenses, and manage financial records.

To listen to audition recordings, a good pair of studio monitoring headphones or speakers would be essential to critically evaluate the sound quality and performance of session musicians.

Having access to the internet is crucial for promoting his music and selling his album online. Setting up a website or utilizing platforms like Bandcamp or SoundCloud would allow John to showcase his music and sell it to a broader audience.

Overall, a powerful computer setup, recording equipment, accounting software, studio monitoring headphones or speakers, and internet access would provide John with the necessary tools to record and produce his album, manage his finances, and promote his music effectively.