I need help on only one question on Algebra

12q=three eights

I got one over twenty four
(Dividing Equations)

divide each side by 3

divide each side by 4
check my thinking.

To solve the equation 12q = three eights, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Simplify the fraction on the right side of the equation.
The fraction "three eights" can be simplified as follows: 3/8.

Step 2: Rewrite the equation with the simplified fraction.
The equation becomes: 12q = 3/8.

Step 3: Divide both sides of the equation by 12 to isolate q.
Dividing both sides by 12, we get: (12q) / 12 = (3/8) / 12.
This simplifies to: q = 3/8 * 1/12.

Step 4: Multiply the fractions on the right side to find the final answer.
To multiply fractions, multiply the numerators and denominators. We have: q = (3 * 1) / (8 * 12).
This simplifies to: q = 3 / 96.

So, the answer to the equation 12q = three eights is q = 3/96 or 1/32.

Please note that in step 4, we multiplied 3 and 1 to get the numerator, and 8 and 12 to get the denominator.